Inthe wild, plantsarepartof thelarger environment,oratthe reallyleast anchored resolutelyinthe belligerentor the physiqueof water.Tosome extent,an typical terrariumcreates the micro-environmentinwhich the plantor animalcan live.By contrast, Japanese code [10¹²] Terra turnsthe terrariuminto the kindof design frame, showcasing plantsin the stark, modernist wire-frame cube.The“Hydro” boxescreate hydroponic environmentsfor shrubs, cacti,andother varietiesofflora:the plant itselfis anchoredinto the single box,which slidesinto the not as big boxthat bindsthe H2Ofor simpler maintenance.The code itselfis declared rather enigmaticallyafter“the seriesof cells constructed per day,” yetwe’renot certain preciselywhich cells creators Daisuke Tsumanumaand Kenichi Yamadaare articulateabout,andthe boxesstartat 10,500 yen (around $ 105),butso far, shipping options crop up singularto Japan.