LG’s G Flex,the company’s initial smartphonewith the winding OLEDdisplay,mayhave leaked around press rendersand Argentinian TV shows prior toits contingent announcement,but currentlymarkedthe initial timewewereableto seethe devicefor ourselves. LG hold the press discussionin South Koreato make known launch sumand yielduswithan eventto seejusthowthat winding shade functions outin practice.

Beforeyou even noticethe curve,you’llbe taken by surpisebythe perfect distanceofthe G Flex.At 6 inchesfrom dilemmato corner,thedisplay beats out gigantic rivals suchasthe HTC One Max notwithstanding carrying the partially low 720p resolution.While LGsaysthe spanofthe shademakes observation cinema some-more“immersive,”the distanceislikelyto fool around the distant stronger purposein achievingthat goal.In ubiquitoususe,we didn’t findthatthe bendmade mostof the certainor disastrous strokeeither way.

Thedisplay’s perfect distanceis some-more commandingthanthe curve

Resolution aside,thedisplay itselfisas tall peculiarityaswe’ve cometo patternfrom LGinother regards.We foundthe G Flex unfittouse one-handed,however,andthe screen’s figuremakesthe phone even some-more formidableto pocket,if anything. Nextto the Samsung Galaxy Nexus (below),which placed somewhat winding potionin frontof the customary OLEDdisplay,the arcis distant some-more pronounced;thisis interjectionto LG’s stretchable OLEDand winding battery technology.

Otherwise,the industrial patternislittleto write homeabout:the G Flex looksjustlike the blown-up G2. Unfortunatelywewere incompetentto examthe phone’smost outlandish underline—its“self-healing” behind cover—as LG member wouldn’tletus blemishthe device.As such,allwehavetosayaboutthe phone’s cosmetic set upisthatthe“Titan Silver”finishis sleazyand incredibly disposedto picking up fingerprints.

Ultimatelythe G Flex comesoffas the proof-of-conceptas mostas anything. Although stretchable screensmay fool around thebig purposeinthe future,it’s toughto cruise phoneslikethe G Flexand Samsung’s Galaxy Roundan in effect focusofthe technology. LG isn’t even attemptingto on all sidesthe G Flex’sdisplayasan creationthat essentially enhancesthe smartphone knowledge— instead,the deviceislikelyto interestonlyto thosewho concludethe tweaked form factor.And evenifthat’syou,youmightbe outof luck;the G Flex comes outin South Koreaon Nov 12th,but zerohasbeen voicedforother regions.

Additional statingby Hyunhu Jang.