Anew charge force shapedbythe Instituteon Medicineas the Professionis chargingthatthe Departmentof Defenseand CIA destined doctorsto violate healing ethicsintheir diagnosisof prisonersin Guantánamo Bayand elsewhere.The charge force,which includes both doctors, former troops officersand tellurian rights activists, reportsthat doctorsatUS troops apprehension centerswere“designing, participatingin,and enabling woeand cruel, inhumane,and spiritless treatment,”in transparent defilementoftheir reliable avocationto equivocatethe detrimentof harm.“We longed forto demeanouratthe purposeof illness professionalsin detainee abuse,andwhatthat bequestis,”said Leonard S. Rubenstein, the Johns Hopkins alloywho servedonthe charge force.“Whatwe foundis the flattering unfortunate legacy.”

“Cruel, inhumane,and spiritless treatment.”

Manyofthe practicesdescribedinthe informhavebeeninplacesincethe military’s post-9/11 shift,butthe charge forcesaysthat notwithstanding new reformslike President Obama’s anathemaon torture,the healing ethics issuesare still unresolved.The informalso coincideswithan ongoing craving set uponat Guantánamo Bay,whichhas lastedfor 8 monthsand concerned over 100 prisoners. fourteen prisonersare stillon stuff oneself tubesas the outcomeofthe action,which Rubinstein found quite troubling.“Force-feedingis ethically taboo bothin American healing useand globally,andthisis force-feedingof the quite heartless kind.”