Instagramfor iOS now includesthe choiceto automatically straighten upyour photos prior toyou sharethem. Clickingonthe idolinthe app’s post-processing menu uses interpretationfromyour phone’s accelerometerand gyroscopeto automatically work outthe best point of viewfor the true photo.Afteryour pictureis aligned,you’llhavethe choiceto tweakthe expect point of view regulating the shifting scale.

The choiceto enter intoyour photosis accessible right away bythe iOS app,butthere’sno wordyetonan refurbishfor Android users.Since entranceto Google’s OS late, Instagramhasbeenquickto supplementnew facilitiestothe Android chronicleofits app,soit’s doubtfultobetoo prolonged the wait.Ifyou wishto sense some-moreaboutthenew addition,youcan review the minute reasonofhow Instagram’s engineersdecided onand implementedtheirideas overatthe Instagram Engineering blog.