Barnes& Noble’s Nook multiplication seemsto existin the consistent stateof motion— the single dayit’s being spunoff,the subsequentits building the whole outsourced—butthe sell hulk continues producingits E Ink readers unabated. Todayit’s announcingthe Nook GlowLight,itsnew flagship ebook reader.It’s writtento contest without delaywith Amazon’s Kindle Paperwhite,and Barnes& Noblemakes the surprisingly constrained case.

The device itselfis incredibly lightand thin.At 6.2 ounces,it feelsalmost dull— cosmeticwith soft-touch edges,it’s incredibly gentleto reasonany approachyoucanthinkof.It’s whiteand gray, the sheer contrarietytothe Paperwhite; Barnes& Noblesaysit pickedthe tonebecauseit some-more closely mimicsthe marginsofthe book,andmakesthe screen’s black content mount out even more.It’s toughto disagreewiththe effect:the deviceis unequivocally pleasingto demeanourat,almost serene.Ithasthe same E Ink Pearldisplayasthe Paperwhite,and the identical blue-white frontlight, yet sideby sidethe Nook’s light wasn’tas evenas Amazon’s reader.

Barnes& Nobleisafternew customers

Barnes& Nobleis essentially endangeredwith winning overnew readers, thosewhohave never ownedan ebook reader before.Soit’s easingthe passing from the single to another everywhere possible,like probably expelling full-page shade flasheswhileyou reviewand charity the one-click approachtoget behindtoyour bookfrom anywhere.Thenew Nookalso comeswith 8 weeksof battery life,and the accumulationof casesthatmakethe device feel thelittle some-morelike the paperback bookyoucan essentially open.

Otherthan the integrateof spec piece victories,the Nookislittle oppositefromthe Paperwhite. Barnes& Nobleis anticipatingits trump labelisits decadesof knowledgewith sell stores,with recommending booksto inspired readers. Amazon’s algorithmsonlygoso far,the proof goes— peoplewhojust review the John Grisham book do not indispensably wishto review some-more John Grisham books,and“what’sgoodthat weshould review next?”is thequestion improvedansweredby the chairmanthan the computer.So Barnes& Noble toutsits human-powered letter of reference system,which recommends booksthataregood,notthatare related;it’s the digital chronicleofthe curated tablesatthe frontofits hundredsof brick-and-mortar stores.

Barnes& Noble’s humans vs. Amazon’s algorithms

Whetherthat’s sufficientto unequivocally pleathe Paperwhite,the de facto ebook reader,is toughtosay.For $ 119 (withno ads, some-morethan the single orator remindedme)it’s the constrainedbuy,andthe device itselfis simplythe most appropriateandmost pleasing Nookyet—but pitting Barnes& Noble’s sell footprint oppositethe alluring, easy, entire energyof Amazonis thedangerous game. Still,it’s easyto suppose copiousnessof readersthis legal holiday deteriorate on footinto Barnes& Nobletobuy the bookand withdrawalwith the Nook GlowLight—andthat’sgood enough.