After a launchwith copiousnessof buzz, Twitter #Music gotawfulquiet.Thereare a seriesof reasonsforthis,butthe usemayhavejust turn the total lot some-more useful. Twitter launcheditsown appfor Spotify yesterday, definitionthatyoucanuse radicallythe complete Twitter #Music interface inside ofthe Spotify desktop app.The reasonwhyit’s the genuine bonusforthenew song find service,however,isthatall Spotify members (even thosewith giveaway subscriptions)can right away findand attendto complete marks regulating Twitter #Music. (Previously,only paid Spotifyand Rdio userscould stream.)Andsinceit’s builtinto Spotify, listeningto songsand adding playlistsis mostfaster. Otherwise,it’s mostlyan expect portofthe web version, definitionthereare 5 opposite“charts”that prominence song peopleare articulateabout.Youcanalsochose opposite genresto explore. Unfortunately, oneofthe service’sother vital problems— namely,thatit focusesalmost whollyon interpretationand algorithms,notonthe peopleyou followon Twitter— staysan issue,butthenew appfor Spotifyiscertainly the stepintheright direction.