Hackersand educatorslovethe Raspberry Pi,andatleast the couple of peopleat Googledotoo.For the year, Googlehas supposing appropriationto the UK modulethat trains teachersonhowtousethe cheap computersin classrooms.This week, Google introduced Coder, the giveaway program download builtby the groupof GooglersinNew Yorkthat turnsthe Raspberry Piinto thetiny serverthatcan horde simple web appsfor those guidanceto formulain HTML, CSS,and Javascript. Googlesays environment Coder uponthe Raspberry Pi takesjust 10 minutes.

Allyou needtogetstartedis the Raspberry Pi,of course,an SD labelto store Coder,and the Wi-Fi connection.This beingan open-sourced Google project,the program runsinthe Chrome browser—whatelsewouldyou expect?The complete formula living roomis accessibleon GitHubfor gifted developerswho wishtodo modifyingtothe program itself,ratherjustuseitto set up stuff. Googlesaysit built Codertobe usedin programming projectsfrom groups suchas Codeacademyand Khan Academy.The program even includes the couple of web appsthat userscanget thingsstartedwith, suchasan eyeballthatis charcterisedto blink.