Saturday, September 14, 2013

Google Maps Updated For Android With Sponsored Road House Details, Improved Navigation

Google Maps Updated For Android With Sponsored Road House Details, Improved Navigation

Nowthat Googlehasfinished updatingits Map app’s UI,the associationcan concentrationonthe finer details: navigation, supportand monetization.The Android app’s ultimate refurbish tweaks road house poke formulaby adding sponsored rateand engagement links,which places thetiny“ad” idol subsequentto servicesthat paidfor exposure. Navigationhasbeenalsobeen improved,with softened tradeand track information,andthe side menu right awayhas the“tipsand tricks” choicethat inelegantly opens the mapshelp pageinyour device’s web browser. Check outthe central refurbish recordsatthe Google Play couple below.

Filed under: Cellphones, Mobile, Google


Source:Google Play

Sean Buckley
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