Duringthe heydayofthe iPod, Apple experimentedwith the head-mounted devicethatwas assuminglyjust the bitlike Google Glass.“I built the garlandof those prototypes,” former Apple senior manager Tony Fadell,an instrumental figureinthe growthofthe iPod, tells Co.Design.Theidea,hesays,wastomake the wearable visor,“soit’slikeyou’re sittingin the theater.” Though most prototypesweremade,the planwas in conclusion desertedsothat Applecould concentrationonits stream products.

“The craziest thingwe talkedaboutwas somethinglike Google Glass.”

While Fadell comparesthe antecedentto Glass, chancesaregoodthatthe examinationwas distantfromit. Fadell left Apple behindin 2008,sothe planmayhavebeen some-more associatedtothe iPodthanto the burstinto protractedor practical reality. Evenso,it offers the singular lookinto Apple’s routineof buildingnew products. Fadellalsosaysthatthe association explored video camerasand remote controls, seekingatthemallwiththe mindset,“Whatelsecanwe revolutionize?” Unfortunatelyfor those anticipatingforthe biggest concept remoteevermade, Fadellsaysthese projects mostly weren’t followed bywith simplybecause“we didn’thave time.”