Electronic songmaybemost closely comparedwith complicated technology,butasthis playlist shows,it dates behind utterly the bit servethanthat. Compiledby British song emporium Bleep,“A Guideto Electronic Music” papers scarcely 80 years valueof low-pitched history.Itstartsin 1937with Olivier Messiaen’s“Oraison”—whichwas achievedwithan early electronic instrument well knownasan Ondes Martenot— prior to relocating bythe decadesand in contact withon songsfrom Throbbing Gristle, Boardsof Canada, J Dilla, Brian Eno,and more.The gatheringwas originally expelledin 2010and sole by Bleep’s online store (they even built a Facebook timeline),butwasonly accessiblefor the singular time— thankfully the playlisthassincebeen gatheredon Groovesharkfor easy listening.As MetaFilterpoints out,the Grooveshark chronicleis blank the handfulof tracks,butit’s still thegreat approachtoget the low-pitched story lesson.