Volkswagenwantstohelp drivers sharethe excellenceoftheir highway tripswith those hapless sufficienttobe left behind.The automakerhas launched thenew Android app, called SmileDrive,that’ll lanethe track driven during the journey,the time taken,andthe weather’s state alongthe way.If the motorist choosesto,theycan sharetheir travelswith othersin genuine time, stuffingin sumwith photosand standing updatestoo— yetthat hopefully won’t occurwhenthey’re essentiallyonthe road. Passengerscan stick oninas well, collaboratively structure the singular single traveloguefor othersto review through.

Punch cartis back,but butthe punching

The SmileDrive appalso turns highway tripsinto somethingof the game:it’ll give out achievementsto honour prolonged drives, late nights,and receivingthe automobile outon the holiday. VWisalso anticipatingto channelthe awfully certain memories everybodyhasofthe“punch buggy” automobile game,which traditionally involves punching the associate newcomerwhenyou mark the singularofthe company’s Beetles—in SmileDrive,the diversion translatesto the most kinder“punch” featevery time dual VW owners usingthe app expostulateby the singular another.

Though SmileDrivehassome special facilitiesfor VW automobile owners, driversofall vehiclescan theoretically stick onin.Of course,thatall requiresthat driverschooseto sharetheir touron SmileDrive insteadof required amicable outletslike Twitterand Facebook. SmileDrivemayhave the richer knowledgefor highway trips—butit’salso awaitingthat driversare vehementtotell othersabouttheir every day commute.