There’s thegood possibilitythatyour the the single preferred blockbuster filmthis summerendedwiththe predestineofthe earth saddledonits protagonist’s shoulders. Screenwriter Damon Lindelof,who servedas oneofLost‘s showrunnersand co-wrote Star TrekInto Darkness, toldVulturethat such the turnofstory loftinessisallbut unavoidable nowadays: “Onceyou outlay some-morethan $ 100 millionon the movie,youhaveto savethe world.”

Lindelofmaybe the singleofthe culpritsofthat trend, buthe’salso the singleofthe couple of blockbuster writers good knownfor perplexingtomakestories personal again.“Ultimately wedo feel— evenas the purveyorofit— somewhat incitedoffbythis drop porn,” Lindelofsaid.“Intheold days,itwasjustas gratifyingthatall Supermanhastodowas fundamentally save Loisfromthis tremblerin California.”Most recently,his seductivenessin smaller, some-more personalstorieswas usedto rewritethe finaleofWorld War Zfrom the large conflictinto the moving impression moment. Vulturehas some-moreonthe resources aroundthe film’s rewrite,as goodas Lindelof’sthoughtsonhow Hollywood plotsjustcan’tstop escalating.