BackinMay Netflix debuted the singleofitsmost expected piecesof strange programmingyetwiththe fourth deteriorateofArrested Development—and right awayit lookslikethe associationis meddlesomein even some-more timewiththe Bluth family.Bloombergreportsthat Brian Grazer—the producing partnerof Ron Howard, whose Imagine Entertainment essentially played thepartinthat ultimate deteriorateoftheshow— settled currentlythathis associationisin negotiationswith Netflixto furnish an additional season.The commentsweremade duringan speakatthe Allen& Company Sun Valley Conference, theget-togetherofwell-known political, business, entertainment,and record titans (Apple’s Tim Cookisalso in attendancethis year’s conference).

It’sthe ultimate spinintheArrested Developmentstory;the strangeshowwas cancelled behindin 2006,andwhile speakof the filmhad flushfrom timeto timeit wasn’t until Netflixstartedits complicated original-content pullthis yearthatthe expel reunited.Therehadbeen speakabout the intensity film follow-uptothis ultimate fourth deteriorateas well,butthe actualitythat Netflixis posterior the fullnew season’s valueof episodesis even improved headlinesforArrested Developmentfans—and the transparent pointerthat Netflixwas some-morethanhappywiththe greetingthenew deteriorate received.