Itwasthe second dayof Apple’s Worldwide Developers Conferencein San Francisco,and the exhilarated evidencewas violation outatthe clubonthe patioofthe W Hotel.

“It’s Helvetica neue,likenoy,”saidNew York Timesdeveloper Brian Capps.

“No, seeit’snew-ay,like nuway,” retorted the short, whiskered man.“Areyou sure?”

“I’m flattering sure,” Cappssays.The whiskered male growled defiantly.

The W Hotelis the integrate blocksfromthe Moscone Center,where Apple bindsits once-a-year Worldwide Developers Conference, well knownas WWDC,or some-more colloquiallyas“Dub Dub.”This timeof year,it’snot surprisingto see dual grown group carrying the exhilarated evidenceaboutthe dictionofan problematic font.

“Whatever,”says Capps.“Let’shave an additional drink.”They take sipsas StudioNeat developers Dan Provostand Tom Gerhardt chargethe theatreand perform“Hunger Strike,”by Templeofthe Dogin frontof the five-piece live band. Gerhardtwas Chris Cornell,and Provostwas Eddie Vedder.

Welcometo Camp Apple.

Thisis WWDC’s 24th year,whichmakesitthe longest regulatingofany developer conference. Developersand designers set up innumerable hacksto knowwhen WWDC ticketsgoon sale any year,and oncetheydo, dipthemall up inside of minutes.This year,it tookjust 71 secondsforthe discussionto sell out. Tickets alone price $ 1,500, environment in reservethe priceof the moody (often,from overseas), the hotel,andthe actualitythat Applealso postsmostofits sessionsand labsfor giveaway online. Still, developers gloaton Twitterifandwhentheyacquire ticketsasifthey’ve wonthe lottery— the outingto Mecca.

The discussion centers around the large keynoteon Monday, followedby the weekof classeswhere developerscan senseaboutthe ultimate APIsfrom Apple—whichhas paidthem (indirectly,of course) upwardsof 10 billion dollars.It’s the symbiotic relationship.

A impulse later, the male walked upand revealedhis chest, inkedwith the minute permanent skin stainof Steve Jobs’ face

One workshop, called UI Lab, gives developersthe possibilityto lay down the singleon the singleandget the personal examinationoftheir app’s interface. Developers line up aroundthe block, watchful hoursfortheir moment. Oncetheir appointment comes around,an Apple operative deductionto rip detachedtheir app, initial drummingwith 3 fingersonthe shadeto wizzinand investigateany angled idol edges.

It wasn’tall tough knocksforthe developers. Another eventualitybeganwithan out-of-character acknowledgmentfrom Apple:“We’re sorry.”The association eventually certified iCloud Core Datawas damagedand indispensable fixing, sourcesatthe eventualitysay. Applehad to illustrate distantbeen the section wallto developers,and keptalmost utterlyquietaboutthe inconstant file-syncing feature,which business demandedbut developers couldn’t reliably provide.

A developer commentwith Apple entitlesyoutojust dual approachquestions per yearfromthe company,sothe eventualitytoaskquestions during“office hours”isanimportant one.“If weget the couple ofbigquestionsanswered,it’s valuethe trip,” Second Gear developer Justin Williamstoldmeaswe sat downfor lunchatthe circuitously Yerba Buena Gardens cafe. A impulse later, the male walked upto Williamsand revealedhis chest, inkedwith the minute permanent skin stainof Steve Jobs’ face.

Asany WWDC maestro knows,it’saboutthe stageas mostasitisaboutthe guidance sessions Apple offers.It’saboutthe station aroundat bars wearing backpacks filledwith nestsof white cables.It’sabout celebrationwith actress Damon Wayans,whois assumingly right awayan app developer,atthe Macworld party. Manyofthe attendeescan’tyet drink,buthave alreadymade thousands (or hundredsof thousands)of dollarsonthe iTunes App Store.The airis fullof witty report amongst friends,someofwhomhad never metin person.“Didyou listen tothat Jony Ive privately called Marissa Mayerto honourheronthe Yahoo Weather app?”says the single maleto another.

Therewas something thelittle oppositethis year. Apple’s iOS,the height most WWDC attendees set upfor,gotitsbiggest faceliftever. iOS 7is intolerableto behold,not indispensablybecauseofthe approachits apps look,butbecauseofthe approachits app icons look.It’snot surprisingto compensate hundredsof dollarsfor the custom-designed idolfrom the associationlikeThe Iconfactory,since App Store businessso often decider the bookbyits cover.Yet,most designers appearto determinethat Apple’snew iconsareuglyand inconsistent.

“Didyou listen tothat Jony Ive privately called Marissa Mayer?”

Itwas at large reported beforetothe eventualitythat Jony Ive, Apple’s hardware pattern guruandthe devout inheritorto Steve Jobs,was headingthe makeoveron iOS 7.Inthe issueofthenew look, most attendeeswere seekingforananswer.“Didyou listen tothat Apple’s common idol guys didn’t workonanyof iOS 7’s icons?”says the single maleto another.“I listen to Apple broughtinits striking patternand selling teamsto pattern iOS 7’s icons.” Another male whispered,“I listened Apple even laidoffsomeofitsold UI team.”

Most developersand WWDC attendeessaythat on withdrawalthe conference,they’re leftwith the newfound enterpriseto set upgreat things—to rise appsfor Macand iOSthatmakethe universe the improvedplace. Wrapped snuglyintheir interrelated WWDC jackets,they baskinthe heatof the MacBook Airor iPadonthe craft float home. Morethan the couple ofofthemwillbeon Photoshop frantically derisive uptheir appsin Apple’snew pattern language,whichto many, removes pass elementsoftheir appslike navigation barsand“glyph” buttonstheyhad outlayed hours designing.The airof playat WWDCthis yearwas founded ratherinthe stressof redesigning appsto compare Apple’snew pattern direction.“I’m vehementaboutit,but I’malso bewildered,”says Apple Design Award winning-developer Jeremy Olson.“Appleis right away regulating difference insteadof icons.Howdowe replytothat?”