We’ve listened reallylittleabout Chromebookssince Google suggestedthe high-end Pixel progressingthis year— even Google I/O upheldbywith hardly the wordon Chromebooks—butitshould shortlybe the bit simplertobuy the singleofthe Chrome OS-based machines. Googlehas struck dealswith Walmart, Staples, Office Depot, Office Max, Fry’s,and TigerDirecttostart offered the preferenceof Chromebooksin storesand online startingthis summerand“the entrance months.” Accordingto Google’s announcement, Walmartwillonlybe carryingthe cheapbut cryptic $ 199 Acer C7.Thenew retailers enhance accessibilityintheUS over BestBuyand Amazon. Googlealsosaysit’s expanding accessibility abroadafterit introduced Chromebooksto multiform countries final year, bringingthe machinesto the sumof 6,600 stores worldwide— assumingly 3 timesas mostas before.Asforwhatthis equates tofor Chromebooksinthe future, increasing sell participationcertainlycan’thurt,but Google still needsto remonstrate consumersthatyoucanmakeitwithjust the web browser.