Ellen Page,the actress starring to one side Willem Dafoein Quantic Dream’s arriving video diversionBeyond: Two Souls,has strike outat an additional diversionfor regulatingher correspondence but permission. Answering the Reddit AMAquestionon eithershewas wakefulof Ellie, the vital impressionin Naughty Dog’sThe LastofUs, Pagesaidshe wasn’thappyabout beingthe purported sourceof inspiration.

“I theory weshouldbe flatteredthatthey rippedoffmy likeness,”said Page.“But weam essentially behavingin the video diversion calledBeyond: Two Souls,soitwasnot appreciated.”

The LastofUswas initial suggestedin late 2011, multiform months prior to Page’s purposeinBeyond: Two Soulswas announced.The impressionof Elliehas altered comingsincethe strange incarnation,which drew evident comparisonsto Pageatthe time; Naughty Dogsaid final yearthatthe alterationsweremadeto movethe impression some-morein linewith actress Ashley Johnson.

Page,forherpart, doesn’t crop upto reason mostof the grudge, revelation the Twitter userwho commentedonThe LastofUsto approach regardin Johnson’s direction.